Our Mission
Holy Family Catholic Clinic is committed to providing superior, compassionate, life-affirming health care to patients of all ages, honoring the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and supporting the Culture of Life.
Significance of Our Patrons
Holy Family Catholic Clinic provides medical services across the entire lifespan—prenatal, pediatric, women’s, men’s, and geriatric care. We are strongly committed to the fundamental principles of acknowledging the dignity of each person and the dignity of the vocations of marriage and of parenthood by providing life-affirming medical care. The family is the building block of the Church and of society, so families which are healthy in mind, body, and spirit beget a healthy Church and society. We turn to the Holy Family as our guide and model of mutual love, humility, trust, and abandonment to God’s will, even amidst suffering. Unfortunately, the present cultural erosion of the family has permeated and been promoted in modern secular medicine, as evidenced by the attacks on the dignity of human life and on the vocations of marriage and parenthood in the form of abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and contraception and sterilization. The Holy Family Catholic Clinic is counter cultural to these trends by adhering to the life-affirming message outlined within the Ethical and Religious Directives of the Catholic Church. Our mission is to provide the best, life-affirming medical care to everyone seeking care at our clinic.
Letter of Endorsement from Archbishop Alexander Sample
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10